Reading Love

Don’t Judge These Books by Their Covers


To coincide with Read Across America next week, my library is finally launching its take on blind book dating with Don’t Judge These Books by Their Covers. Two of our library volunteers paper bag covered the books the library assistant and I set aside. Today we created summaries and hooks for these books. Hoping these create some buzz next week.

Can you guess which titles are included in the pictures below?










Categories: Reading Love

Waiting for Recommendations


One thing I would like to incorporate in the school library this year is more student conversation about books. The station above is a small step toward that end. Students can write down a favorite title on a die-cut book. These will then be posted in the library. A couple of kids filled some out at open house last night as they were touring the school.

How do you promote book buzz? What have you found that works with student recommendations?

Categories: Reading Love

What’s Your Reading Footprint?


We’re asked to think about digital footprints, about what information we leave online. I got to thinking about other types of footprints we leave around and wondered what a reading footprint would look like. The picture above was the result.

Reading Footprint Directions

1. Brainstorm a list of favorite or memorable reads. In this case I stuck to mostly middle grade titles.

2. Remove the spaces between the words in the titles.

3. Insert commas or linebreaks between the different titles

4. Copy the title list into Tagxedo.

5. On Tagxedo’s shape menu, select the footprint.

6. Adjust the footprint color, font and orientation as desired.

I printed off the footprint with my name on the bottom. I’ve invited other staff to provide booklists so posters of their book footprints can go up around the library as well.

Categories: Reading Love

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